• Duration:17 minutes and 17 seconds
  • Date:2023/10/06
  • Uploader:桂花蒸
keywords: PCB Encapsulation
Many beginners don’t know what elements are in the PCB package? What exactly do the elements in the PCB package correspond to on the actual PCB? For these questions, many beginners use Baidu to understand. The explanations from Baidu are all text explanations, which makes it difficult for beginners to truly understand. We hope that through our live broadcast, we can clear away the clouds and point out the way forward for students who want to understand PCB packaging.
[Course Outline]:
1. What elements does the general PCB packaging content include?
2. What is PCB solder mask?
3. What is PCB steel mesh?
4. What are thermal pads and anti-pads?
5. Why are the package sizes produced by different companies with the same information inconsistent?
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