In the past few weeks, I have been using the PIC32MZ Ethernet kit, and finally successfully burned the official library function into the entry-level Ethernet kit, and finally I can light up the LED o
I am working on a temperature control system that needs to control the start and stop of the heating rod, but I don't know much about thyristors. Can thyristors and relays be used at the same time? [[
If you want to convert the circuit voltage, the first thing you need is the use of the LED single-channel design. However, there is a very simple tool at the back, which is a one-way selection. You ca
[color=#252525][size=3]The voltage amplifier tube driving the power amplifier tube must not only have an output swing of 74V or above, but also a low output impedance. This is because the Miller Effec
I haven't been here for several years. I have been doing research and development in recent years. I think some things can be brought out for everyone to discuss together, which will be helpful to the