It's the end of the year, everyone should be more careful when going out and coming home! In the news, if you are not paying attention, turn around or something, the phone in your pocket will be taken
Newbie reporting in, showing off the 12864 oscilloscope I just made.
The oscilloscope of stc12c5a32s2+12864, with a 36MHz crystal oscillator, has a maximum sampling frequency of 200KHz, or once every
In 2007, the quadruple services consisting of voice, data, video and mobility will further promote the standardization, industrialization and integration of services and applications of various new wi
I saw a 232 serial communication program. Because I only did single-byte transmission before, the program was relatively simple. Now I want to understand multi-byte transmission. I read some informati
I am an undergraduate student of electronic information engineering and will graduate in July this year. I recently applied for a job as a technician in a company that mainly develops and manufactures