Hello everyone, I am a rookie and I am doing internship in a company. My boss wants to make some drivers. I have never been exposed to WINCE before and I don't know how to get started. I don't have an
If you have ever searched for a Texas Instruments (TI) device, you have most likely seen the tool shown in Figure 1. This powerful product selection tool can help you quickly review hundreds of device
I am writing a program to display the temperature in ℃ on LCD16032. The LCD has a font library, but when I copied a ℃ symbol from WORD to KEIL, it turned into a question mark. Can an expert tell me ho
【AT-START-F425 Review】USB to CAN preview post https://en.eeworld.com/bbs/thread-1199896-1-1.html
【AT-START-F425 Review】USB to CAN Part 2https://en.eeworld.com/bbs/thread-1199901-1-1.html
After finishing the first lesson, I realized that DLP technology is really amazing. Structurally, it has a micromirror array that integrates about 250,000 mirrors. If you look deeper into the internal