The efficiency (η) of a switching power supply refers to the percentage of its output power (PO) to its input power (PI) (i.e., total power). It should be noted that the efficiency of a monolithic swi
I don't understand why all 51 learning boards are equipped with color screens. Is it because students don't understand and they want to cheat them out of their money? It would be better to make someth
C54X experience DAVIDLIN posted on 2002-11-20 22:47 DSP technology ← back to the forum Sender: xunger (Xunger is constantly fighting), forum: Circuit Subject: C54X experience Posting station: BBS Shui
CF card hive registry saving problem. I have tried almost every method in the numerous online documents, but it still doesn't work. Either the screen is black when starting up or it can't be saved. I