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  • Antenna Lecture 10 Loop Antenna and Helical Antenna-2
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  • Duration:48 minutes and 55 seconds
  • Date:2023/01/28
  • Uploader:木犯001号
keywords: filter radio frequency

Course Nature: "Radio Frequency Circuits and Antennas" is an important professional basic course for information engineering, electronic science and technology, integrated circuits and physical electronics. It is closely related to the modern electronic information industry, especially the wireless communications and mobile communications industries. However, these courses are classic traditional courses. How to enable undergraduates who do not have a strong foundation in mathematics and physics to learn these courses well and understand and master the knowledge and technologies most closely related to modern electronic information technology within a limited number of hours is an important task. A difficult problem facing these courses is a constrained optimization problem.

Chapter 1 Transmission Line Theory
01-01 Radio Frequency Circuit Lecture 1 Introduction
01-02 Radio Frequency Circuit Lecture 2 Transmission Line Theory
01-03 Radio Frequency Circuit Lecture 3 Smith Chart
01-04 Radio Frequency Circuit Lecture 4 General Theory of Transmission Lines and Rectangular Waveguides
01 -05 Radio Frequency Circuits Lecture 5 Circular Waveguides and Coaxial Lines
01-06 Radio Frequency Circuits Lecture 6 Open and Planar Transmission Lines
Chapter 2 Network Theory
02-01 Radio Frequency Circuits Lecture 7 Network Basics
02-02 Radio Frequency Circuits Lecture 8 Network Properties Connecting with waveguide
Chapter 3 Passive Circuit
03-01 RF Circuit Lecture 9 Basic Components
03-02 RF Circuit Lecture 10 Impedance Matcher
03-03 RF Circuit Lecture 11 Transmission Line Resonator
03-04 RF Circuit Lecture 12 Radio Frequency Filter (I)
03-05 RF Circuit Lecture 13 RF Filter (II)
03-06 RF Circuit Lecture 14 Directional Coupler
03-07 RF Circuit Lecture 15 Power Divider
Chapter 4 Active Circuit
04-01 Radio Frequency Circuit Lecture 16 Transistor Amplifier (1)
04-02 Radio Frequency Circuit Lecture 17 Transistor Amplifier (2)
04-03 Radio Frequency Circuit Lecture 18 Oscillator
04-04 Radio Frequency Circuit Lecture 19 Mixer
Chapter 5 Antenna
05- 01 Antenna Lecture 1 Citation
05-02 Antenna Lecture 2 Radiation of Antenna Elements 05-03 Antenna
Lecture 3 Symmetric Array 05-04
Antenna Lecture 4 Linear Array I
05-05 Antenna Lecture 5 Linear Array II
05-06 Antenna Lecture 6 Antenna on Conductor
05-07 Antenna Lecture 7 Converted Array and Batwing Antenna
05-08 Antenna Lecture 8 In-phase Upright Antenna and Yagi Antenna
05-09 Antenna Lecture 9 Broadbanding and Miniaturization of Oscillator Antenna
05 -10 Antennas Lecture 10 Loop antennas and helical antennas
05-11 Antennas Lecture 11 traveling wave antennas and planar helical antennas
05-12 Antennas Lecture 12 log-periodic antennas and planar ultra-wideband antennas
05-13 Antennas Lecture 13 slot antennas and Microstrip Antenna
05-14 Antenna Lecture 14 Horn Antenna
05-15 Antenna Lecture 15 Parabolic Antenna
05-16 Antenna Lecture 16 Circularly Polarized Antenna
Chapter 6 Radio Frequency Circuit and Antenna Experiment
06-01 Experiment Lecture 1 Spectrum Analysis Use of instrument
06-02 Lab Lecture 2 RF Transmission Line
06-03 Lab Lecture 3 Impedance Matching
06-04 Lab Lecture 4 Power Attenuator
06-05 Lab Lecture 5 Power Divider
06-06 Lab Lecture 6 Directional Coupling 06-07 Lab
Lecture 7 RF Filter
06-08 Lab Lecture 8 RF Amplifier
06-09 Lab Lecture 9 Voltage Controlled Oscillator
06-10 Lab Lecture 10 Mixer

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