SAM4L can provide a wide variety of peripherals; from user interface peripherals, such as capacitive touch screens and dot matrix LCD screens, to communication interfaces, such as USB interfaces, and also has many functions that can reduce power consumption, such as Peripheral Event System and SleepWalking. Please click on the video to learn more!
Would your design be significantly improved if you no longer had to worry about power consumption? Meet the SAM4L family of ARM® Cortex®-M4 processor-based microcontrollers (MCUs) that consume one-third the power of competing solutions.
[i=s]This post was last edited by ienglgge on 2015-8-9 01:35[/i] This is a late post. In May, soso launched a four-layer PCB activity. I feel that I have not been drawing much recently, so I will take
[Intelligent control system of temperature and humidity for koji fermentation]
[Intelligent integrated control and management system for the environment of the wine koji room]
[Winery fermentation con
0. The external memory has 24-bit storage space. After remapping, it is located between 0x400000-0xFFBFFFFF. 1. 8-bit memory addresses A0-A23 are valid; 16-bit memory addresses A1-A23 are valid. 2. Th
In order to play with CC3200, because the original CCS did not take into account the use of this device,Now I don’t want to reinstall, so I looked for ways to add components. In the picture above, I l
My board is a finished board purchased from Fengxue. I am a novice. Today I wrote a piece of code according to the textbook and downloaded it to the board, but there is no response. I would like to as