I found a typical circuit in the LM317 data sheet, built it, and connected it to the board I needed. When the output was adjusted to 4V, it immediately dropped to 1.6V when connected to the board. How
[color=blue]1) After logging into the blog, go to the homepage of your personal space and click on "Group" on the left, as shown below: [/color] [color=#0000ff][/color][color=blue]2) Enter the group m
Because I have a graduation project, it is a system based on CC430. I have only made nrf24le1 before. Because the frequency requirement is 433Mhz, I changed to CC430. Because I have no foundation in t
The CODE_SECTION pragma allocates space for the func in a section named section name. The CODE_SECTION pragma is useful if you have code objects that you want to link into an area separate from the .t
One day, the led screen software can no longer be used. It says that CommonCtrli.dll is missing, and I can't find such a dll file on the Internet. This is the software iconCan anyone help me solve a s
Urgent, has the TI sample application webpage crashed recently? Every time I settle, an error occurs. It has been quite a long time. I wonder if anyone has encountered this problem?