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  • Duration:13 minutes and 18 seconds
  • Date:2021/11/30
  • Uploader:木犯001号
keywords: network tcpip
The "Computer Network" course is divided into three units: "Making the Best Use of Computer Networks", "Exploring the Mysteries of Computer Networks" and "Computer Networks Are Surrounded by Crisis".

"Making the Most of Computer Networks" will help you quickly understand and understand computer networks, understand and master basic concepts such as computer networks and network protocols, network composition and network architecture, and analyze the types of network applications you use every day. The operating principles and application layer protocols help you understand the application programming interface - Socket (Socket) used by most network applications, learn and master the basics of Socket programming technology, and have the ability to develop simple network applications.

"Exploring the Mysteries of Computer Networks" will take you deep inside computer networks, explore the deep mysteries of computer networks, understand and master the deep principles, protocols and network technologies of computer networks, allowing you to not only know what is happening but also why it is happening, truly Become an expert in computer networking. This part mainly teaches: basic principles of reliable data transmission, stop-and-wait protocol and sliding window protocol, typical transport layer protocols (UDP and TCP), virtual circuit network and datagram network, routing and forwarding, IP protocol and IP address, CIDR, Subnetting and route aggregation, ICMP protocol, DHCP protocol, NAT, IPv6, routing algorithm, routing protocol, error coding, MAC protocol, ARP protocol, Ethernet, VLAN, PPP protocol, wireless LAN, etc.

"Computer Networks Are Surrounded by Crisis" will help you understand network security threats, understand and master the basic principles, network protocols and technical measures to ensure network security, and let you realize how to enjoy the many conveniences brought by the network while avoiding them as much as possible. The self is in many crises. This part mainly teaches: basic concepts of network security; network security threats; basic cryptography; information integrity and digital signatures; identity authentication; secure email; SSL; IPsec and VPN; wireless LAN security; firewalls; intrusion detection, etc.

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