"Hacked" an old hard drive brushless motor running at 4500RPM without using the rate control circuitry. All operations are implemented by STM32F407VGT6.
[color=#000000][color=#008000][color=#ff6600][font=Verdana]As the creator of the global RISC standard, ARM's dominant position in the field of embedded processors has long been recognized by everyone.
A TFT LCD, driver chip ST7735, the microcontroller can be connected to 5V or 3.3V power supply. When using 3.3V, the LCD pins use resistors to divide the voltage to get 3V level, the LCD displays norm
Isn't this a range in itself? Considering the gate breakdown, it should not be too high, nor too low to cause the saturation conduction voltage Vce to be too large and heat up? Are you trying to make
The function of GEL file is basically the same as that of emuinit.cmd, which is used to initialize DSP. However, its function is more enhanced than that of emuinit. GEL has a menu under CCS, which can