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  • Duration:53 minutes and 54 seconds
  • Date:2021/06/23
  • Uploader:老白菜
"MATLAB Intelligent Algorithm 30 Case Analysis" is a summary of the author's years of experience in algorithm research. All cases in the book are carefully designed based on the personal needs of netizens in major domestic MATLAB technology forums. Many of the cases involve content and solution methods that are rarely introduced in MATLAB books published in China. "MATLAB Intelligent Algorithm 30 Case Analysis" adopts the form of cases and takes intelligent algorithms as the main line to explain the most commonly used intelligent algorithms such as genetic algorithm, immune algorithm, annealing algorithm, particle swarm algorithm, fish swarm algorithm, ant colony algorithm and neural network algorithm. MATLAB implementation of the algorithm. "MATLAB Intelligent Algorithm 30 Case Analysis" gives a total of 30 cases. Each case is a specific example of using intelligent algorithms to solve problems. All cases are composed of four parts: theoretical explanation, case background, MATLAB program implementation and extended reading. It is composed of a complete original program, which enables readers to quickly improve their ability to use algorithms to solve practical problems while mastering algorithms. "MATLAB Intelligent Algorithm 30 Case Analysis" can be used as a reference book for undergraduate graduation projects, graduate project design, and junior doctoral project design. It also has high reference value for the majority of scientific researchers.
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