• Duration:50 seconds
  • Date:2021/05/06
  • Uploader:hi5
Light is one of the most widely used water quality analysis techniques, such as analyzing chemical composition, pH, turbidity and other chemical and physical properties. Optical technology has some advantages, such as non-contact, non-destructive installation, high precision and high sensitivity, etc. However, complex circuit design is often required to compensate for electrical and physical errors. At the same time, the optical path and removal of ambient light interference require careful housing design. This presentation introduces a configurable, multi-parameter optical technology water quality measurement platform. This design simultaneously measures 4 pairs of PDs at a flexible sampling rate by using an integrated, multi-mode sensor front-end to drive LEDs synchronously. Furthermore, this front end has a built-in digital filter and high ambient light rejection capabilities. In addition, the speakers have specially prepared a live demo session, so stay tuned!
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