I am using evc to write a tray program. When the mouse moves over the icon, the prompt information cannot be displayed. Please help me... static NOTIFYICONDATA nid; nid.uFlags=0; nid.cbSize=sizeof(NOT
Recently, a company asked me to port my original MOBILE program to their equipment. Now I am not sure about the following three aspects. I have never worked on WinCE 5.0. I don't know whether I need t
I am learning PIC32MZ and made a development board myself. You can check the relevant content at https://en.eeworld.com/bbs/thread-450429-1-1.html. I will take time to learn PIC32 related content ever
The 38k carrier is provided by the 51 single-chip microcomputer. The signal output pin of the receiving tube can now detect the signal, but the distance is not far, only within 10cm.