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  • Duration:9 minutes and 4 seconds
  • Date:2021/01/30
  • Uploader:F凡亿教育
keywords: allegro

FanySkill installation instructions For Allegro version 16.617.2

FanySkill integrates more than 20 Skill functions that assist designers to improve work efficiency when using Allegro software for PCB design. It includes packaging production, PCB layout, PCB wiring and other functions that are likely to be used in the PCB design process. Most of the content of Skill is open source content shared by netizens or shared encrypted Skill. The source code content of this tool is completely open to the majority of users, which can facilitate users to learn Skill content and customize Skill tools independently. Learners can not only use this tool To improve your work efficiency, you can also DIY your own set of skill tools.

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