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  • Stepper motor circular interpolation implementation (1)
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  • Duration:14 minutes and 52 seconds
  • Date:2021/01/15
  • Uploader:抛砖引玉
keywords: STM32 Motor
The application scenarios of motors can be said to be everywhere in life. As long as it involves rotation, more than 90% of motors will be used. Industrial printers, engraving machines, and machine tools; car air conditioners, wipers, The drive of electric door airbags; common electric bicycles, shared bicycles, balance bikes, and electric scooters in daily life; even the vibrations of mobile phones that we keep in our hands every day are generated by motor vibrations. The above examples are enough to prove the broad market of motors .

Motors can be simply divided into stepper motors, DC motors, and servos. The application scenarios of the motor are mainly determined by the characteristics of the motor. The high precision of the stepper motor, the number of pulses is proportional to the step angle, and the pulse frequency determines the speed, which determines that it is extremely widely used in the field of CNC machine tool manufacturing; DC The motor has good starting and speed regulation performance and is widely used in high-speed scenarios such as balancing cars, electric scooters, smart cars, drones, video recorders, and hair dryers; the angle of the servo can be modulated according to the pulse width. It is widely used in aviation and navigation models, and in aerospace, the pitch, yaw, and roll motions of missile attitude changes are all completed by the cooperation of servos.

The application market for motors is extremely huge. If there is a market, there will be demand. If there is demand, then there will naturally be a need to learn.
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