Well, I got the board a few days ago. I downloaded asf and ran a few routines to see that it was pretty good. Last year, I used atmel's M4, which is a wifi board. The SDK provided by the foreigner was
I will graduate next year and am now doing an internship at a company, mainly working on Oracle, MSSQL, and .NET. I plan to buy a new mobile phone between March and May next year. Considering that I m
[align=left][color=#000]In my opinion, an oscilloscope is the best tool for debugging analog power supplies, and this is also true for digitally controlled power supplies. Single-stepping through the
[i=s] This post was last edited by paulhyde on 2014-9-15 04:07 [/i] I would like to ask you guys, which field effect tubes do you use when doing power supply related questions? How do you make inducto
Our company is a large high-tech listed company in Shenzhen, mainly engaged in the production and development of power system products, microelectronics products, optical and magnetic equipment. The c