• Duration:41 minutes and 1 seconds
  • Date:2020/08/24
  • Uploader:桂花蒸
keywords: integrated circuit
With the continuous development of integrated circuit design technology and process technology, large-scale and ultra-large-scale integrated circuits have been widely used in various industries. The high integration of high-tech products in industry, agriculture, military industry, consumer electronics and other fields is inseparable from large-scale integrated circuit. Integrated circuit design is the research direction that supports future scientific and technological development, and there is a considerable shortage of talents with professional knowledge in integrated circuit design in our country. "Basics of Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits" is a professional basic course for computer majors and electronics majors. Based on courses such as "Digital Circuits", this course comprehensively and systematically introduces the basic theoretical knowledge and overall design methods of very large scale integrated circuits. Through the establishment of this course, we will popularize the basic knowledge of VLSI and cultivate professional theoretical research talents and advanced engineering technology R&D talents for the country. This course requires students to master the design methods of digital integrated circuits and understand the basic concepts of transistor-level CMOS logic circuit design, including MOS management theory, CMOS process and layout design rules, and various types of CMOS logic circuits (static complementary CMOS circuits, Transistor-level functional design, performance (area, speed, power consumption, stability and reliability) analysis and optimization of dynamic CMOS circuits, ratiometric circuits and transmission gate circuits).

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