The serial port assistant on the PC side displays a string, so how can I send the decimal processed on the DSP to the serial port assistant so that it can also display the decimal?
Wearable devices involve power consumption issues such as CPU, Bluetooth, and sensors. Can you also tell me how many months of use can be achieved in actual use? What kind of specific use methods? The
[i=s]This post was last edited by heyidisk on 2017-5-20 00:24[/i] [size=5]Every time I get something new, I want to take it apart and have a look. I wonder if anyone has the same idea as me. This time
[i=s]This post was last edited by jameswangsynnex on 2015-3-3 20:00[/i] We have Sigma Designs EM85XX (supporting mpeg2/4) with stable quality and affordable cost, EM862X for HD IPTV (supporting WMV9,