[color=red][font=微软雅黑][size=3][color=#000000]Thank you for your active participation! [/color][/size][/font]Event details: [/color][url=https://en.eeworld.com/bbs/thread-356763-1-1.html][color=red]htt
When I use ICCAVR to compile an array, the error iccavr: can't execute `C:\icc\bin\ilstavr.exe' C:\icc\bin\imakew.exe: Error code 100 Done: there are error(s). Exit code: 100
High-intensity LED flashlight, the front end of this flashlight has 5 to 8 high-brightness light-emitting tubes and uses 1 to 2 batteries. The reason for using ultra-high-brightness light-emitting tub
Timer M0M1=0x11, is there any difference between using TR1 and TR0? When using the timer, will different timings for the same interrupt affect each other?