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  • Usage of MD5 value of compressed package
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  • Duration:6 minutes and 34 seconds
  • Date:2020/06/30
  • Uploader:桂花蒸
As a huge system, Linux has many related research fields. In summary, there are roughly five directions:
1. Server maintenance: You need to understand Linux services, be proficient in using Shell, and understand network configuration.
2. Server development: You need to learn Linux programming and Linux network programming.
3. Embedded Linux applications: You need to learn C language and basic Linux knowledge.
4. Embedded Linux driver: In addition to learning the knowledge of "embedded Linux applications", you also need to
understand simple chip principles and some basic circuit knowledge, and you also need to have a certain understanding of the Linux kernel.
5. Linux visualization Application: In addition to learning the knowledge of "embedded Linux application", you also need
to learn the knowledge of GDK or QT or Android.
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