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  • Computer control technology
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  • Duration:43 minutes and 53 seconds
  • Date:2020/06/07
  • Uploader:木犯001号
Contents Chapter
1 Introduction
1.1 Overview of computer control systems
1.2 Types of computer control systems
1.3 Computer control theory
1.4 Application examples of computer control systems
1.5 Development of computer control systems
Chapter 2 Hardware basis for computer control system design
2.1 Switch input
2.2 Switch output
2.3 Analog input
2.4 Analog output
2.5 Power supply in computer control system
2.6 Signal sampling and reconstruction
2.7 Digital filtering
Chapter 3 Mathematical foundation of computer control systems
3.1 Difference equation
3.2 z transform
3.3 Inverse z transform
3.4 Pulse transfer function
no. Chapter Four Characteristics Analysis of Computer Control Systems
4.1 Stability of Computer Control Systems
4.2 Dynamic Characteristics of Computer Control Systems
4.3 Steady State Error of Computer Control Systems
4.4 Root Locus and Frequency Characteristics of Discrete Systems
Chapter 5 Indirect Design Methods of Computer Control Systems
5.1 Overview
5.2 Basic design method
5.3 Design of digital PID controller
5.4 Improvement of digital PID controller algorithm
5.5 Parameter tuning of digital PID controller.
Chapter 6 Direct design method of computer control system
6.1 Overview
6.2 Least beat control system design
6.3 Pure hysteresis Object control algorithm
6.4 Root locus method for designing digital controllers
6.5 Frequency domain design method for digital controllers
Chapter 7 State space design method for digital controllers
7.1 State space description of linear systems and state space of linear discrete systems
7.2 Linear constant Controllability and observability of discrete systems
7.3 State feedback design method
7.4 Output feedback design method
7.5 State observer design
7.6 State feedback system using state observer
7.7 Quadratic optimal control algorithm design
Chapter 8 Computer Control System Engineering design
8.1 Design steps of computer control system
8.2 Digital servo system
8.3 Double closed-loop DC digital speed control system
8.4 Resistance furnace temperature control system
8.5 Digital program control system
Chapter 9 New computer control system
9.1 Embedded system
9.2 Distributed control system
9.3 Fieldbus control system
9.4 Network control system
Chapter 10 Reliability design of computer control system
10.1 Overview
10.2 Sources of interference
10.3 Anti-interference measures for power supply and power supply system
10.4 Anti-interference measures for signal transmission channels
10.5 System reliability design
10.6 Fault diagnosis Technical
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