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  • RT-Thread Nano-ESP82266 WIFI-1 code added
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  • Duration:35 minutes and 53 seconds
  • Date:2020/04/27
  • Uploader:木犯001号
keywords: Timer interrupt RT-thread

RT-Thread Nano is a minimalist version of the hard real-time kernel. It is developed in C language, adopts object-oriented programming thinking, and has a good coding style. It is a tailorable, preemptive real-time multi-tasking RTOS. It occupies very little memory resources, and its functions include relatively complete real-time operating system features such as task processing, software timers, semaphores, mailboxes, and real-time scheduling. It is suitable for 32-bit ARM entry-level MCUs that are widely used in home appliances, consumer electronics, medical equipment, industrial control and other fields.

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