A friend of mine is going to the grasslands. As a native of Inner Mongolia, I explained some basic safety tips to her. For example, if she encounters a wolf alone, she should not turn around and run a
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[i=s] This post was last edited by bqgup on 2021-8-23 19:43 [/i] #I'm addicted to C language! Please help me read "Number Processing and Judgment" ##Problem description##My code ``` cpp #include
What should I do if I want to post a picture in a post on eeworld? If I delete the picture from my computer, I will not be able to see it on the eeworld website.
[color=#000000] The acquisition device I made recently uses low-power MSP430. The main control chip needs to complete three functions: constant current chip drive (four pin outputs), 8-channel ADC con