LMX2332 is an integrated digital phase-locked loop (pLL) circuit produced by National Semiconductor Corporation. This paper introduces a method of using the single-chip microcomputer AT89C2051 to cont
1. GPIO characteristics of TMS320C6748
Referring to the 1.2Features section of the TI technical document SPRUFL8B (TMS320C674x/OMAP-L1x Processor GPIO User's Guide), we can see that the GPIO of the TM
This is a screenshot on Docin, which took me a lot of time. Now I upload it to share with you. It is not very well done, so please just take a look at it.
[flash]http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTk1OTI1Mzg0.html[/flash]Texas Instruments (TI) Bluetooth low energy devices for sensor applications are truly single-chip integrated solutions. Perfectly combined
I wrote a serial port program that can receive and output, but when receiving more than 4 characters, garbled characters appear. I don't know if it is a setting problem or a program writing problem. C