The input 220V AC is connected to the choke through a 10ohm 1W wire wound resistor. I wonder if this resistor value matches the choke inductance? Is the purpose of adding these two components just to
In the working waveform b) of the capacitor-filtered single-phase bridge uncontrolled rectifier circuit, is i2 the input current? Or the charging current of the capacitor? And why are there two sine w
As shown in the figure below, this op amp circuit has an output of 20mV when there is no input signal.The test input voltage does not meet the op amp characteristics.
For the same circuit, some produc
[align=center]Topic (V): Design of Digital Frequency Meter[/align][align=left]Basic requirements:[/align][align=left]1. Display the real-time frequency of the input signal, with a measurement range of
One cent, in the current era of soaring prices, has long withdrawn from the historical stage of currency exchange and has become the smallest unit of measurement in the financial sense. The nursery rh
Our company makes Bluetooth headsets, and we have tested the current in various states using a Fluke multimeter. The results should be accurate and the headset should be able to last a week on standby