[i=s]This post was last edited by IC Crawler on 2022-9-25 18:46[/i]According to the Allwinner V853 SDK download environment, the following error occurs when installing the repo:repo help
[color=#333333][font=tahoma, arial, simsun]This board is a simplified version of BBB. Compared with the full version, it lacks eMMC, HDMI, USB and other components! The schematic diagram is the same a
unsigned int time[100];//Used to store level durationunsigned int i; unsigned char shor;//Minimum duration 0.05ms short unsigned int lon;//Maximum duration 20ms long unsigned char end;//Used
1. What do you study in college? The main difference between college students and non-college students is definitely not whether they have mastered a professional skill... A person who insists on a wr
USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL;ENTITY light ISPORT(clk,reset,sensor: IN STD_LOGIC;green_1,green_2,red_1,red_2,yellow_1,yellow_2 : OUT STD_LOGIC);
I bought an STM32F030 board and an F072 board. Both boards have ST-LINK. I disconnected the jumper connecting the ST-LINK and the CPU on the board, and used the ST-LINK's SWDIO and SWCLK to connect to