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  • Duration:11 minutes and 51 seconds
  • Date:2019/12/27
  • Uploader:抛砖引玉
Artificial intelligence is a rapidly developing emerging discipline and has become the core technology of many high-tech products. Artificial intelligence simulates human intelligence to solve problems and has very wide applications in almost all fields.
This course is an entry-level artificial intelligence course, suitable for beginners, and can help them learn artificial intelligence from scratch. This course adopts the professional textbook "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence" (4th Edition) compiled by Professor Wang Wanliang of Zhejiang University of Technology. It closely focuses on the basic ideas, basic theories, basic methods and applications of artificial intelligence, and integrates some cutting-edge aspects of artificial intelligence. content. This course has 12 lectures in total, including: overview of artificial intelligence, first-order predicate logic representation, production representation and frame representation, reasoning methods based on predicate logic, credibility methods and evidence theory, fuzzy reasoning methods, search and solution strategies , Genetic Algorithm and its Application, Ant Colony Algorithm and its Application, Expert System and Machine Learning, BP Neural Network and its Application and Hopfield Neural Network and its Application.
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