• Duration:12 minutes and 8 seconds
  • Date:2019/12/13
  • Uploader:桂花蒸
"Application of Sensing Technology of the Internet of Things" is a professional basic course for the Internet of Things technology major. This course mainly introduces the architecture, key technologies and typical applications of the Internet of Things systematically, starting from the perception layer, network layer and application layer of the Internet of Things. Starting from the layer model, the main functions of each layer are explained respectively, and the application of key technologies in the perception layer is demonstrated, so that students can master the basic concepts and basic knowledge of the Internet of Things and understand the basic applications of the Internet of Things.

The teaching purpose of this course is to enable students to master the basic concepts of the Internet of Things, understand the development status of the Internet of Things, and master the typical applications of key technologies at each layer of the Internet of Things. Students will have a clearer understanding of the Internet of Things and its applications, and enable students to have a strong ability to use the theoretical and practical knowledge of the Internet of Things to analyze and solve practical problems, laying a certain foundation for future research and application work on the Internet of Things.

This course is a professional course that is highly comprehensive and requires students to master some basic knowledge of circuit design, software technology foundation and other courses in advance. The focus of the course content is to comprehensively utilize the knowledge previously learned and cultivate students' ability to integrate theory with practice and analyze, research and solve problems based on reality. During the teaching process, students are expected to take advantage of all practical opportunities (visits, understandings, production internships and social practices, etc.) to understand the latest development trends and dynamics of the Internet of Things, so that they can have a perceptual understanding of the Internet of Things system and lay a solid foundation for learning this course. Good foundation.
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