U1A is powered by positive power, U2A is powered by negative power, Input-signal is the input signal, the signal is positive and negative, the frequency is lower than 1K, and the amplitude meets the i
[font=Hiragino Sans GB W3, Hiragino Sans GB, Arial, Helvetica, simsun, u5b8bu4f53][size=3][color=#473b34]Given β=100, what is Vce=? [/color][/size][/font]
Power Supply Introduction: Buck Regulator Architecture : https://training.eeworld.com.cn/course/283The buck regulator is one of the basic switch-mode power supply topologies. Many isolated switch topo
When DSP SCI uses FIFO to send interrupts, it cannot generate interrupts when configuring the FIFO depth. When matching the interrupt trigger bit, the interrupt is not triggered. What is going on?
Assuming you are 30 now, earning 5K a month, and have at most 20 years of working life left, let's look at the expenses and savings of these 20 years: 5K*12*20=1.2 million. Is 1.2 million enough to co