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  • Chapter 9-1-Implementation of Idle Tasks and Blocking Delay—Implementing Idle Tasks
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  • Duration:20 minutes and 1 seconds
  • Date:2019/10/19
  • Uploader:JFET
The first part is: teaching you to write the FreeRTOS kernel from 0 to 1. This part focuses on the process of how to implement FreeRTOS.
Part 2: Using the full series of Wildfire STM32 development boards (including M3, M4 and M7) as the hardware platform, we will explain the
various kernel objects of FreeRTOS. This part not only explains how to use the API of each kernel object of FreeRTOS, but also analyzes the source code implementation of these APIs, so that you not only know what is happening but also why.
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