• Duration:43 minutes and 7 seconds
  • Date:2019/10/07
  • Uploader:抛砖引玉
keywords: noise impedance Gain
This video is the teaching courseware for "RF Amplifier Design" taught by Professor Tian Qingcheng of Taiwan's Chung Hwa University, because the lecturer has many years of practical engineering experience. This video course tries to abandon tedious mathematical derivation and combines it with engineering practice. It uses easy-to-understand language and intuitive understanding to describe the definition of key performance indicators of radio frequency amplifiers and the actual engineering design methods of low-noise amplifiers, power amplifiers and broadband amplifiers. It is a rare classic learning tutorial for microwave and radio frequency engineers.

The tutorial is divided into 10 parts and 43 lessons. The main content is:
Chapter 1: Introduction to RF Amplifier 1 (3 lessons)
Chapter 2: Analysis of active devices and S parameters (6 lessons)
Chapter 3: Impedance matching technology of amplifiers (9 lessons)
Chapter 4: Power Gain of Amplifier (5 lessons)
Chapter 5: Stability of Amplifier (4 lessons)
Chapter 6: Gain Circle on Smith Chart (2 lessons)
Chapter 7: Transistor/Field Bias circuit design of effect transistor (4 lessons)
Chapter 8: Small signal amplifier design example (4 lessons)
Chapter 9: Low noise amplifier (LNA) design (2 lessons)
Chapter 10: Broadband amplifier design (2 lessons)
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