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  • System time domain characteristics analysis
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  • Duration:9 minutes and 29 seconds
  • Date:2019/09/30
  • Uploader:抛砖引玉
  Signals and Systems (Basics) focuses on the basic concepts and analysis methods of deterministic signal transmission and processing through linear time-invariant systems for beginners of signals and systems. The content mainly includes continuous time signals and systems, discrete time signals and systems respectively. Theory and methods for analysis in the time domain and transform domain. On this basis, some specific contents are discussed in depth, including sampling, reconstruction and representation of signals; communication systems; time domain and frequency domain analysis of the system.

    Through the explanation of the course, students can master the basic concepts and basic analysis methods of signal and system theory; understand how to establish mathematical models of signals and systems, solve them through mathematical analysis, and interpret the results based on physics; lay the foundation for subsequent courses; cultivate independence Ability to analyze and solve practical problems in the information field. Stimulate interest and enthusiasm for information science.
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