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  • Duration:31 minutes and 59 seconds
  • Date:2019/09/24
  • Uploader:抛砖引玉
The course on automatic control principles at the National University of Defense Technology takes classical control theory as the main content, and also includes parts of modern control theory and digital control systems. Classical control theory mainly introduces the mathematical model of the control system, control system performance, control system stability, root locus method, frequency response method, frequency domain stability, frequency response design method, etc.; modern control theory mainly introduces the state space model, energy Controllability and observability, state variable feedback control system design, state observer design, etc.; digital control system mainly introduces sampling and hold, Z transformation, mathematical model of digital control system, performance analysis of digital control system, and digital control system design. wait.
The main purpose of this course is to enable learners to systematically understand and master the basic concepts, theories and methods of automatic control principles, to be able to analyze and design controllers according to the needs of practical engineering problems, and to use feedback control thinking methods to solve practical problems in engineering. , laying a solid theoretical foundation for scientific research and engineering practice in related technical fields.
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