I just bought the OK6410 today. The serial to USB connection is normal, com4, 115200, but the USB is always an x, which means it is not connected. Instead, Windows 7 pops up a synchronization program
[i=s]This post was last edited by jameswangsynnex on 2015-3-3 20:00[/i]Product Name: LED Constant Current ICSpecifications: No requirementsQuantity: 100K PCSReference price: NegotiablePackaging: No re
Hello experts, I need to access a mounted hard disk device now. How can I format and partition the hard disk under the vxworks command prompt? Thank you very much
As the title says, when I do experiments, some global variables are always tampered in the terminal's wireless data sending or receiving functions. What's going on? Who has encountered this? How can I
Start learning analog electronic circuits from Chapter 3 of the textbook. 1. The concept of analog signals and analog circuits Analog signals are electrical quantities that change continuously in
[table=98%] [tr][td][size=4]The author believes that there are two main issues involved: [/size] [size=4] 1. Differential lines are the two lines that are particularly close to each other on the circu