• Duration:18 minutes and 24 seconds
  • Date:2019/06/14
  • Uploader:抛砖引玉
Cloud computing is a model for the addition, use, and delivery of Internet-based services, usually involving the provision of dynamically scalable and often virtualized resources over the Internet. Cloud is a metaphor for network and Internet. In the past, cloud was often used to represent telecommunications networks in diagrams, and later it was also used to represent the abstraction of the Internet and underlying infrastructure. Cloud computing in the narrow sense refers to the delivery and usage model of IT infrastructure, which refers to obtaining the required resources through the network in an on-demand and easily scalable manner; in the broad sense cloud computing refers to the delivery and usage model of services, which refers to the on-demand and easily scalable manner through the network. way to get the services you need. Such services can be IT, software, Internet-related, or other services. It means that computing power can also be circulated as a commodity through the Internet.
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