By chance, I found that the MSP430F2xxx board I made would have the information memory erased for unknown reasons when powered on. Later, I tested several boards and found that some of the boards woul
A pressure sensor is a device that detects pressure and converts the pressure signal into an electrical signal and outputs it linearly. Pressure sensors can be divided into mechanical pressure sensors
Write a low-level software, download it to the microcontroller, and run it automatically when powered on. There are 10 files pre-stored in the CF card. Each time the power is turned on, a different fi
With the increase of social demand, in order to meet the embedded system's demand for high processing power, real-time multi-tasking, network communication and ultra-low power consumption, more and 32
I am debugging a program written by someone else. I just started using EVC3.0 and there are many errors and I can't debug it. If I want to use part of his original program, which files must be left? I
I just learned WinCE and want to build a stand-alone development environment. I installed PPC2003 SDK, which comes with three image files: PPC_2003_WWE.bin, PPC_2003_WWE_RADIO.bin, and PPC_2003_WWE_VI