• Duration:3 minutes and 28 seconds
  • Date:2013/01/01
  • Uploader:EE资深网友
The initial development trend of solid-state electricity meters and designs is discrete. The situation has changed substantially as the industry demands higher value solutions. Discrete designs quickly turned to designs with AFE, or analog front end, and then integrated microcontrollers as the core of the system for decision-making operations. What Maxim wants to do is to improve the design of electric meters to a higher level. We have integrated AFE and microcontrollers to provide smaller and more accurate integrated solutions. Zeus is one of the latest products to hit the market. Zeus actually integrates communication and security elements into measurement and metering systems that are already SoCs, providing high-performance solutions for meter manufacturers and power companies in the form of a single chip. , can be widely used in different areas.
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