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  • State space model of the system (2)
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  • Duration:24 minutes and 11 seconds
  • Date:2019/01/11
  • Uploader:抛砖引玉
This series learns the theoretical meaning and operation methods of linear systems by studying the state space, state space, transfer function matrix, etc. of linear systems. Use the state space method as the main tool to study the theory of multi-variable linear systems. After the 1950s, with the development of aerospace and other technologies and the expansion of the application scope of control theory, the limitations of classical linear control theory have become increasingly obvious. It can neither meet practical needs nor solve some problems raised by the theory itself. This has promoted The study of linear systems began, and it developed from the classical stage to the current stage after 1960. American scholar RE Kalman first applied the state space method to the study of multi-variable linear systems and proposed two basic concepts of controllability and observability. After the 1960s, modern linear system theory has made new developments, and new theories and methods for studying multivariable systems have emerged, such as linear system geometric theory, linear system algebraic theory, and multivariable frequency domain methods.

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