• Duration:11 minutes and 25 seconds
  • Date:2019/03/20
  • Uploader:抛砖引玉
keywords: motor control EDDP xilinx
EDDP (Electric Drives Demonstration Platform, Motor Control Development Platform) is an open source motor control kit based on Xilinx Zynq SoC that can implement high-performance field-oriented control algorithms (FOC). It adopts a novel high-level development method and cooperates with Xilinx SDSoC tools to implement core algorithms in C++, allowing engineers who are not familiar with hardware description languages ​​to quickly get started and give full play to the advantages of Zynq SoC's combination of software and hardware for evaluation and development. High performance motor control applications.
By running the Webserver, users can control the motor on the web browser and observe the waveforms of related signals in real time. Its engineering files, source code and technical documents can be downloaded for free, and users can freely modify the code as needed to complete customized designs.
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