Jason Tollefson, product marketing manager of Microchip, demonstrated and introduced the ultra-low power series of microcontrollers using nanoWatt XLP technology.
I would like to ask you guys, how can I reduce the power consumption of the ED end of the SimpliciTi official routine? I tested it on the EM-CC430-6137 experimental board and it was not less than 2mA.
This is the odometer invented by Vitruvius in the 1st century BC, which is what we now call a taximeter. I didn’t expect that Grandpa Vitruvius would not only write "Ten Books on Architecture", but al
Reprinted from: https://www.cnbeta.com/articles/tech/1087081.htmSecurity company Corelium is working on advancing Linux distributions for M1 Mac devices, and announced last month that it had initially
[color=#666666][font=Arial, Microsoft YaHei]This is my experience in debugging a single-stage PFC power supply over the past year, and I would like to share it with you. [/font][/color] [color=#666666
Internal tri-state signals are not recommended for FPGAs because the device architecture does not include internal tri-state logic. If designs do use internal tri-states in a flat design, the tri-stat
I designed a program that records temperature and pressure at regular intervals and stores them in the flash of the microcontroller. I want to read out the contents recorded in the flash after a perio