• Duration:34 minutes and 41 seconds
  • Date:2018/10/01
  • Uploader:老白菜
"Signals and Systems: Analog and Digital Signal Processing" taught by MIT Professor Alan V. Oppenheim in 1987. It can be said that this is the originator course of "Signals and Systems" taught by the founder of Signals and Systems himself. Although thirty years have passed since the recording, the charm of the course has not diminished, and many viewers have reported that they were enlightened and enlightened. The course introduces analog and digital signal processing technology. The main content includes the basic theory of linear systems, basic concepts of signals and systems, Fourier transform of continuous and discrete signals, linear time-invariant systems, etc. It is clear, vivid and intuitive, making it Learners can thoroughly understand the analysis methods of various signal systems and compare their similarities and differences.
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