• Duration:17 minutes and 22 seconds
  • Date:2018/10/08
  • Uploader:老白菜

The main contents include: the content, history, development, and application of power electronics technology research; the working principles, basic characteristics, and main parameters of semi-controlled and fully controlled power electronic devices ; an introduction to new power electronic devices /modules; the characteristics of current-driven devices Drive technology, drive technology of voltage-driven devices; integrated drive circuits; related technologies of controllable rectifier circuits; drive technology of phase-controlled converter circuits and inverter circuits; concepts of inverter and frequency conversion technology; voltage-type inverter circuits and The basic structure, working principle and characteristics of current-type inverter circuit; switch control of inverter circuit; structure, control method, principle and application of DC chopper circuit; analysis of the structure and working principle of AC voltage regulation and AC power regulation circuit; Introduction to the application of AC voltage regulation and AC power regulation conversion technology in AC speed regulation, industrial heating, reactive power compensation and other fields; the structure, control method, working principle and characteristics of AC and AC frequency conversion circuits, etc.

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