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DigiKey App Says: Smart Cars in the Age of Big Models

Total of 1 lesson ,15 minutes and 40 seconds

When AI meets cars, what kind of cool experience can you imagine? In this video, Jiang Honglei, an engineer with rich engineering experience in the field of automotive electronics, is invited to talk about the technical analysis of large-scale model vehicle-side deployment, the interactive revolution brought by the latest generative AI to automotive electronics design, the various possibilities of automotive immersive interaction, and the core technology analysis of autonomous driving. Welcome to discuss! Speaker: Jiang Honglei, currently working as a technical expert in a new car company, is currently responsible for the development of the automotive electronics central computing platform. With rich engineering experience and technical accumulation, he has experience in implementation from concept to implementation in the fields of smart cockpits, smart networking and smart driving. He has obtained a number of authorized patents and has written books in related fields, which have been widely praised. https://en.eeworld.com/bbs/thread-1300036-1-1.html

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