• Duration:19 minutes and 36 seconds
  • Date:2018/08/23
  • Uploader:hi5
In the context of global energy conservation and environmental protection, high efficiency, high frequency, energy saving, intelligence, and miniaturization are the future development trends of the switching power supply industry. Tektronix has always paid great attention to the technological development of the power supply industry. With the widespread application of high-frequency and low-power consumption devices, and the increasingly stringent power supply industry standard requirements, power supply design engineers need to face more and more challenges. Test challenge. Today, Tektronix will share with you some tips and methods in power supply design from the perspective of testing and the thorny issues faced by power supply engineers. We will answer hot questions such as how to provide overall test accuracy, how to accurately evaluate the characteristics of popular wide bandgap devices, how to solve channel signal delay problems, and we will also give you on-site demonstrations based on some actual practices. Tektronix will provide you with complete power solutions to help you meet current and future testing challenges!
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