Machine learning is the study of how computers can simulate or implement human learning behavior to acquire new knowledge or skills, and reorganize existing knowledge structures to continuously improve their own performance.
This is a VHDL code for CPLD serial communication. The chip I use is EPM240t100c5n. The code runs fine and the pin settings are correct. Why is there no phenomenon? I am a beginner, please give me som
[font=Tahoma, Simsun]Two identical MCUs, identical code, one for sending, one for receiving, why can't they receive data? Both the hardware and software are tuned! Thank you![/font]
The IPM could be used in the VVVF inverter for the users in developing their products conveniently.This paper analysis the function and characteristics of the IPM,also gives the method to select the I
Using Protues as shown in the picture, the base can't drive the dot matrix whether there is a level or not. In addition, the transistor can light up the dot matrix without connecting to the power supp