Startup circuits are widely used in analog integrated circuit design, mainly because circuits often have two stable working states, one of which may be the zero bias state we do not want, so a startup
[size=3]Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon, and I am thinking about choosing some gifts for everyone to exchange with Chip Coins. If you don’t have much Chip Coins, please see here: [url=https://bbs.e
As the title says, I want to make a PCI9054 driver according to Wu Anhe's program, but the generated program seems wrong. KDmaTransfer* m_CurrentTransfer; KCommonDmaBuffer m_Buffer;, the initializatio
[align=left][color=#000][font=微软雅黑][size=4] FPC is also called flexible circuit board. The PCBA assembly and welding process of FPC is very different from that of rigid circuit board. Because FPC boar