• Duration:30 minutes and 58 seconds
  • Date:2018/07/01
  • Uploader:老白菜
keywords: FPGA VHDL Nios
Basic operations of QuartusⅡ software, introduction to VHDL syntax, FPGA design examples and NiosⅡ design examples. First, the basic operations of Quartus II are introduced, including FPGA design such as project creation, code editing, schematic design, VHDL code design, simulation, and downloading of FPGA configuration files. Afterwards, the basic syntax of VHDL is introduced in detail, and VHDL knowledge points are introduced one by one with VHDL program examples, so that readers can be freed from the complex VHDL syntax. Then, using examples as the starting point, from simple to complex, the modeling of combinational circuits, sequential circuit modeling, and the design of comprehensive examples are introduced. Next, in the explanation of Nios II, the temperature sensing system based on DS18820 and the clock real-time display system based on PCF8563.
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