When debugging the program, the program stops at this section. I don’t know what’s going on. The microcontroller model is PIC24 series, the external crystal oscillator is 8M, and the starting capacito
When I use VS2005 to debug on a unitech ht660 (wince 5.0) device, the breakpoints I set become invalid and I cannot debug. However, when I use another HP PDA, the breakpoints are available and I can d
Assume that data is read from 8-bit AD (if it is a higher-bit AD, the data type can be defined as int), the subroutine is get_ad();
1. Limit filter/* The A value can be adjusted according to the actua
[b][size=3]Problems with connecting CCS to the emulator[/size][/b][p=26, null, left][color=#000][font=Arial][size=3] In actual use, there may be problems with the connection between the emulator and C
ADI Award Live Broadcast: Energy Storage Systems Help Build Fast Charging Stations for Electric Vehicles The winner will be announced on August 31st at 10:00-11:30 am! Registration is open~~Click here