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  • Experimental system learning and mastering 2
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  • Duration:6 minutes and 20 seconds
  • Date:2018/06/06
  • Uploader:老白菜
The "Computer Control System" course is positioned as one of the theoretical core courses in the high-end professional course group of automation majors. It is a comprehensive application of basic theories of undergraduate majors and is also the basis for the practical application of automatic control theory. Starting from this course, students are truly exposed to the concepts, theories, methods and technologies of computer control.

This course mainly introduces the basic theories and methods of computer control system theory and engineering design, which mainly includes signal transformation, system modeling and performance analysis, analog design method of digital controller, direct design method of digital controller, based on state space Digital controller pole configuration design method of model, computer control system simulation, and engineering implementation of computer control system and other technologies. At the same time, the course sets up a variety of experiments based on the characteristics of different controlled objects, including basic experiments and research experiments, to deepen the understanding of the basic theories and methods of computer control systems.

Through the study of this course, students will master the basic methods of computer control system design, cultivate students' ability to apply the basic knowledge of control theory they have learned to analyze and solve practical problems, and lay the foundation for further academic research and engineering applications.
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