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  • Duration:49 minutes and 46 seconds
  • Date:2018/06/01
  • Uploader:量子阱

"Communication Principles" is a core professional basic course for electronic information related majors. This course introduces the general principles of information transmission at the physical layer, that is, the basic principles and related methods of how to achieve information transmission with the help of electrical signals. The content of this course mainly includes: deterministic signal analysis, random signal analysis, analog sinusoidal modulation, digital baseband and frequency band transmission, signal sources, etc. This course is an introductory course in communications, focusing on basic principles and theories, laying a solid foundation for further study.

Teaching videos related to Beijing Postgraduate Entrance Examination Subject 801

Supporting textbooks: Principles of Communication, Third Edition, Zhou Jiongpan, Pang Qinhua, Wu Weiling, Yang Hongwen, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Press

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